Good Work: #730

Deep in Covid, a work-friend turned me on to a local art event that encouraged me to pick up a practice I did for a book 20 years ago – daily comic journalling. It's a deeply satisfying practice that scratches an itch I didn't realize I had, and has made me reconsider some things.

As is common, when you do work only for yourself in a world make for public showing, there's a weird tension here. The best ones to me are usually the ones that get the least response.

I'm torn to showing these publicly, but then I remember that the feeling that comes along with showing them is a part of the process.The strangest part is trying to make the work, put it out, not pay attention to the results, and not let the work change at all based at response. Walter Benjamin would approve of all the attendant suffering I have as to whether the temporality of the work makes up for the replicated simulacrum of the work on a tiny screen.🤷
I'm working on releasing a risograph book of all the work. Stay tuned. ✌️